

Discover the story, beliefs, and people behind Cornerstone.


Who We Are

We did not set out to start a ministry. We were simply awed by the incarnation of the Father’s Eternal Son. We could not stop thinking about the implications of Jesus’ very existence. So, Christ In All Nations (CIAN) is not so much an organization as it is an ongoing revelation of our Christic Identity. We want to understand and experience our adoption in Christ and we want to share what we are learning and experiencing with others. Our “ministry” is to discover the trinitarian gospel of the early church and articulate the truth with the widest possible audience. We do this through relationships, teaching and preaching, and through making our materials available.

We believe that the church, ekklesia, is so much more than a building or an organization. It is the voice of God that echoes in man and reveals man’s true spiritual origin and identity. Choose the way of listening with your heart while not relying entirely on the head. and to prayerfully letting go of your sense of control, to cooperate with God and God’s work in the world.


Transforming Ourselves, Each Other, and the World

Unveiling the Son of God in the nations, freeing the masses to announce the same sonship in their world.
True Christian faith is not about humanity attempting to win the favor of deity, or trying to influence the mood of a bad tempered god; it is the revelation of the love of God reconciling a hostile world to himself. Instead of accusing others on the left or the right, Jesus stood in radical solidarity with the problem itself, hardly ever offering specific answers to the problem. Instead, his solidarity and compassion brought healing.
Jesus didn’t come to persuade an angry God to be nice towards mankind; he came to persuade an indifferent and hostile humanity about the goodness of God. In today’s religious, environmental, and political climate, our compassionate engagement is urgent and vital. When we experience the reality of our oneness with God, others, and Creation, actions of justice and healing naturally follow.


What We Do

Apostle Alain Lea’s vision has always been to reach the entire world with life-transforming truth, in their own nation, regardless of language, location, or financial position. The role of Christ In All Nations (CIAN) is to provide spiritual wisdom and guidance to support both inner and outer transformation.
If you are interested in joining us in this mission, you and your team will work together to find, engage, and lead non-believers to the faith. Our teams actively disciple new believers, equip them to share the gospel, and support the national workers to reach the unreached. Our Church Planting vision engages our team in contextualized effective church planting, training, and evangelism efforts as identified for the particular region.
Where to find us

Christin All Nations

Our participation in the present-day ministry of Christ is to share the trinitarian gospel widely through teaching, preaching, relationships, and accessible materials.